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Cloudy with a Chance of Blogs

We’ve written about cloud computing several times before on the blog, and with good reason. The IT industry is headed towards clout usage on a large scale, and the technology continues to grow in use every day. Microsoft is pushing Office 365 hard, and they’re not the only major players looking to get in on the cloud.


An excellent side effect to this how quickly many excellent blogs and resources have developed in just the past few years. There is a great wealth of expertise and information being shared, and a great IT community has grown around it.


A little intrepid searching will bring you to many great sources, but here are some fine examples to start you off.  InfoWorld hosts a channel for cloud-computing articles, consolidating the many quality posts on the subject the site provides.  In fact Google provides a topic channel specifically for it, sourcing articles from all over.


There are also a plethora of individual blogs from industry experts on all aspects of cloud computing.  For everything Virtualization, head to Chris Wolf’s blog. by Craig Balding focuses on, you guessed it, security issues in the cloud (a particularly pertinent topic). For IT management and cloud, see the blog of the same name. For a simultaneously down-to-earth and irreverent take, head to Rational Survivability from Christofer Hoff. Other great blogs on the cloud are Thinking Out Cloud, Cloudscaling, and Amazon’s Web Services Blog.


These are just the tip of the virtual cloud-based iceberg. A little searching, linking, and exploring will find many more expert blogs and articles discussing the cloud and all the potential (and potential issues) it brings. Keep an eye out – there’s only going to be more as time goes on.
